Camp Runels Summer 2019

Welcome to Camp Runels 2019! 

Damn Runels - back at it again with another summer. It's been a year, but we are back with another summer adventure at Camp Runels on Little Island Pond. The decision to return to camp for a second summer was pretty instantaneous. I knew from the second I said my goodbyes, that I would be right back as soon as possible. Nine months in-between didn't even feel long, it just felt like passing time until I could go back to camp. 

The travels to camp began with an early morning flight direct from Glasgow to Boston. Something I am so thankful for is direct flights - I now appreciate them whenever I am lucky enough to book them. Six hours later, I landed in Boston Logan Airport, and began summer number two. This time felt different, I was visiting my friends rather than meeting all new people, and I knew my job inside-out rather than being thrown in the deep end of tie-dye and lake swimming. I was ready for it, and I was so excited to see my home away from home.

Little Island Pond (5:08AM)

It felt strangely surreal to be back. Almost like recognising a scent but not being able to quite put your finger on it. It was the same - but it was so different. There were new people, new environments and new experiences. I remember walking back into the staff house, and no one was really on property, and it felt like I had never been gone. I remembered watching Mamma Mia on the tiny television, eating cheesecake with tongs and lying in a hammock listening to the sounds of the trees. Pre-Camp was like I remembered; long and informative. A lot of 'getting to know the new people' and 're-capping on how we do things'. It's pretty standard stuff that we all just have to do. The best thing about pre-camp is the freedom to catch up with your friends - people I hadn't seen since the previous summer (oh and lots of photo shoots). 

Nessie the counsellor!

Session 1 - Daisy/Brownie Sampler (Daisy/Br Resident Camp)

Session 2 - Sweet Treats (Brownie Resident Camp)

Session 3 - 300 Acre Wood (Brownies Resident Camp)

Session 4 -  Fireflies/Brownie Bites (Brownies Day Camp)

Session 5 - Insta-Worthy (Senior Ambassadors Resident Camp)

Session 6 - Brownie Magic/Adventure (Brownie Resident Camp)

Session 7 - Marvelous Mythical Magic (Brownie Resident Camp)

Overall, camp is a tough gig. I think I returned this summer knowing that it wouldn't be the same as my last, but not really preparing for what that meant. There are both positive and negative aspects of this, considering that whilst you are meeting new friends, it's also hard to let go of the old friends who didn't return. Your campers are getting older, but some have returned more mature with stories to tell you - that they've been holding in all year. The job changes slightly, and you have to learn new ways to do things, whilst teaching others how to do things. You're a returner, not a newbie. I prepared my mind as much as I could for this, but when it came down to processing my actions - that was tougher. Regardless of the tough times, it was all 100% worth it. Whether camp is for you or not, it is important to recognise that everyone will have a different experience.

Canobie Lake Park

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