Secrets for the Mad by Dodie Clark

I received an 'advanced readers copy' of this book in exchange for an honest review from Net Galley. All opinions of this book are my own.

About The Author
Dodie Clark is a 22 year old musician, youtuber and now author who is known for her quirky style and openness about her personal life. She has released two EP's, 'Intertwined' in 2016 and 'YOU' in 2017 whilst also touring around the UK and United States. Dodie has recently written her debut novel, 'Secrets for the Mad; Obsessions, Confessions and Life Lessons.' and within this discusses her life events dealing with anxiety, eating disorders, relationships, depression and depersonalisation disorder. 

" You inspire me. You make me want to write like you, to be colourful like you. To dance and twirl and radiate like you. "

Going into this book, I did know who the author was. I've seen Dodie's YouTube videos and watched them for several years now. Her music is absolutely breath-taking and I actually have the opportunity to go see her in concert on the 21st of October (woo)

Dodie's book looks into depth of issues and life lessons she has face such as mental health, love and family. Similar to her YouTube videos, Dodie's style of language and communication are clearly emphasised through this book, and it is almost like you can hear her clicking away at her keyboard. It was almost like having a conversation with her in real life in that it was so pure and so real. Nothing felt over-dramatic or over told - it all felt like the real diary entries and experiences of a young adult.

I had known through some videos that Dodie suffers with DPD but I hadn't quite paid attention to what that entailed. I didn't understand the effects on someone's day to day life and what that meant for their experiences. There isn't a way to turn it off and say, 'well I have to enjoy today as it's a special day' - it can't be controlled or manipulated like that. I can relate in a small sense to Dodie's thoughts throughout the book.  It was touching to hear Dodie's personal stories and how she coped with this.

The heartbreak section got to me, and again, as a reader I could relate all too well with the similarities and feelings of having your heart broken. Sometimes I find it nice to hear other's stories and how they cope with it. Within the book, Dodie talks about it using the metaphor of a tunnel. That going through the break-up is like going through a cold dark tunnel, but on the other side are your friends waiting for you in the light. She also explains that somedays you feel further from the end and want to turn back, but one day you'll be out the tunnel and not even realise.

The section about Dodie's family and home life allows the reader to understand Dodie's personal life a bit more and get a grasp on her childhood and influences. Within the books, there are letters and notes about each family member such as her grandma and little sister Hedy which adds a very personal touch in the book.

Overall, I very much enjoyed reading this book. It was great to read more into Dodie's life experiences and struggles but most of all her coping mechanisms and how she keeps herself happy. On a personal note, this has made me very excited to see her live now!

Secrets for the Mad; Obsessions, Confessions and Life Lessons is now available for pre-order on Amazon and other book sellers. Click the image above to be taken to the pre-order page. It will be released on the 2nd of November 2017.


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In summer of 2018, I am taking part in Camp America, and will be heading off to Camp Runels in New Hampshire! I'll be working as a unit councillor and I cannot wait to go! It's going to be a huge adventure involving flights on my own, roadtrips and Walmart! I'll be using this space to write all about my application process, visa process and what I get up to out there!